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Old 05-12-2010, 06:57 PM
Dyker Dyker is offline
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 39

Many thanks -
Many know I have been around for years - I have never really even made an attempt to "work" webmaster boards - I have always simply worked on day to day basis -
I have always believed in giving members what they want, so have never got involved with any of the pps deals and scams - And, I will continue to do so - We have many members signed up for very long term - And we will continue to fully service those members with our new style feature length videos of our ladies doing exactly what members request.
I am not going to be creating new affiliate content - But actively minded affilates will be given access to the members area to choose their own content for their marketing needs - I certainly will be keen to ensure I continue to link with affiliates as I always have.
Now, I must admit to being slightly pissed! (drunk, not angry)
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